viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011


  • the presen simple

    sentence structure

    sujeto+verbo+objeto directo

    sujeto+auxiliar+verbo+objeto directo


    auxiliar+sujeto+verbo+objeto directo?

    is used to talk about habitual actions that take place generic with certain frequencies, without reference to whether at the present time are being conducted

    also used to discuss future actions that have already been planned, especially when referring to travel

    for example

    i study english
    he palys tennis
    i work in a bank .

    i leave madrid tomorrow morning.

    present continuous

    is used to describe actions that are developing

    tambienn is used to describe actions that are developing around the time it is spoken but not necessarily in that moment

    for example

    i am working in my home
    she is walking  in the street.

    i am gonig to london next week

    the present perfect
    time is used to describe actions that just happened in the past andthat have some relation to this equivalent in the present perfect Castilian

    i have bought a car

    i have played tennis  one minut ago

    creator by javier alejandro beltran acuña


    jorge gaitan cortes